2270 创建时间:2014-12-25 23:11:48
Antibiotics in dairy cow milk and the development of resistance.牛奶中的抗生素对生长的阻碍
Technical Bulletin 2014-III技术公报2014-Ш
The use of antibiotics is a current issue in the livestock industry. In order to prevent further development of resistance of bacteria against antibiotics, the use of antibiotics has to be decreased with 70% in 2015 compared to 2009 in the Dutch livestock industry.
In the dairy industry, two third of the antibiotics is used for drying of cows. The preventive drying off with antibiotics is prohibited in the Netherlands since 2011. Farmers now only can selectively use antibiotics when drying of cows. Besides drying off, antibiotics are also used for the treatment of mastitis. Cows still produce milk during the treatment, which should be discarded because of the (residues of) antibiotics in the milk. However, it is estimated that at 50% of the dairy farms in the Netherlands, cow milk containing antibiotics is not discarded, but fed to the calves.
Feeding cow milk containing antibiotics to calves is not allowed according to European regulations, in which it is stated that the feed for animals should be clean and safe. Cow milk containing antibiotics, due to these (residues of) antibiotics, is not considered to be clean and safe.
Waste milk,would you drink it? 废奶,你会用它喂牛吗?
These antibiotics can result in destruction of the first intestinal flora of the calf and the development of resistant bacteria to the antibiotics present in the milk. Destruction of the micro flora leads to an impeded uptake of nutrients and thereby a reduction in growth. Heifers that were treated with antibiotics as a calf, produce about 500 kg less milk during their first lactation. The effects of feeding milk containing antibiotics are not investigated, but it is clear that antibiotics have a big influence on the performance.
Colostrum milk 初乳
Besides the regular milk, also the, for the newborn calf very important, first colostrum of a cow may contain (residues of) antibiotics when the cow was dried off with antibiotics. A farmer can set up a test to know if the colostrum or milk is antibiotic free. However, since it is of great importance that a calf receives the first colostrum within two hours, and the test takes several hours to show results, waiting for the results takes too much time. Another way to make sure that no antibiotics are fed to the calves is to use colostrum from another healthy (older) cow. The advantage of using colostrum from older cows is that their colostrum is rich in antibodies. Colostrum can be kept in the fridge up to 3 days, but it can be kept frozen for a year.
In order to reduce the number of bacteria, milk of cows with a high cell count can be pasteurized. This does not reduce the amount of antibiotics. Besides, pasteurizing also has consequences for the vitamins, immunoglobulins, and calcium ions in the milk.
Our vision 我们的观点
It is strongly discouraged and even not allowed to feed colostrum or milk that contains (residues of) antibiotics to calves, not to the heifers that will be kept, nor to the (mainly male) calves that will leave the farm. Given the great importance of supplying colostrum, it is recommended to store colostrum from (older) cows that were not dried off with antibiotics.
Feeding milk replacers instead of cow milk is a safe next step to make sure the calves receive milk that is free of antibiotics and diseases like para tuberculosis. Besides, a milk replacer is a nutritionally seen perfectly balanced product, being a more stable product than cow milk, containing an optimal protein/fat ratio and important vitamins and minerals of which some lack in cow milk.