milk replacer for calves

[ The product description ]

Eurolac is our star calf milk replacer in our product range. Eurolac milk replacers are based on 100% vegetable fats and produced according to the spray-dried production system.The spray-dried production system makes the fat’s particle size very small, which assures an outstanding solubility and digestibility of the milk substitute.

[ Detailed description ]:

1 charactritics Eurolac calf milk replacers contain the Schils Protection Plus package, a blend of selected specialty ingredients to support the intestinal health and the calf immune system. Eurolac is very easy to dissolve in water: Eurolac milk subsitutes can be dissolved in cold water (15-20°C) as well as in warm water (45-50°C). Eurolac is also available with the Eurolat Co-Spray technology.

2 your parner in  calf milk replacers As THE specialist in Young Animal Nutrition, Schils is always looking for partners to create and share knowledge with. By sales, marketing and technical support from our side and field experiences from your side, we can work together to increase performance in growth, health and profits. Schils offers more than just a milk replacer. Schils offers what you need to reach your goals.


Beijing Yuanheng Huizhong Biological-tech Company,LTD
Address:Shangdi Donglu35,Haidian District,Beijing